Page:CAB Accident Report, TWA Flight 891.pdf/39

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11.3.1; Examination of and bench tests on the submerged pumps of tanks Nos. 11,, 5 and 7 and parts of same

The exammation was made in order to ascertain whether the pumps were in good working order.

It was found that they were.

11.3.5 Examination of a roll of paper found along the path of fall of the wreckage in the area of Madonna dell‘Albero

This roll of paper (item 71; in the chart showing the distribu— tion of the Pieces of wreckage) measuring 20 x 18 centimeters in size, was found in the area mentioned above in the vicinity of one of the inspection ports under tank No. 7 and of a diaphragm of tank No. 6.

The roll was imbedded in the ground at an angle and one of its ends was completely burned.

It was therefore suspected that the roll might have come from the plane and a chemical analySis of it was undertaken with a View to ascertaining the type of paper and whether it was capable of generating or inducmg any,r process of spontaneous combustion.

It was condluded that the paper was a special wrapping paper With a body of the isocyanic type covered by a layer of polyuretanic sponge, haVing no properties capable of starting or feeding any process of spontaneous combustion.

In as much as the paper, corresponding to specification MIL- P.116.C, was freely sold in the Milan market, supplementary inquiries were made locally and in Milan in an attempt. to ascertain its source. These inquiries met with no success.

11.3.6 Ekannnation of the technical data su lied by the Lockheed Go. pertaining to the plans of thejé‘uper onstellation plane type 1&9-3

The technical data supplied by the Lockheed Co. was taken under examination in order to interpret the results of the various tests made on the prototype, in the areas in which the breakage took place, for the various load conditions set forth by the C.A.R.hb, of the coefficients under which the breakages occurred, etc., so as to determine whether there existed conditions which might have caused parts of the plane to break off in flight as the result of aerodynamic stresses of any kind.

For the results of this examination, see par. 1h.h.1. 11.h Principal inquiries in the U.S.A.

Huh-0 The following studies were made in the U.S.A. at industrial plants, maintenance shops, special institutions, and

laboratories, under direct supemsmn of the CAB.