Page:CAB Accident Report, TWA Flight 891.pdf/43

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order to ascertain, from existing records, whether any cases of loss of these accessories in flight had ever occurred in the past.

No evidence was found of cases of this kind.

11.h.12 statistical inquiry 1n‘b0 the damage suffered by 193 planes which were struck by lightning in 195821959

This inquiry was undertaken in order to obtain factual elements for an evaluation, on the heels of and in accordance with past experience, of the importance to be given to damage caused by lightning to the structure of the wrecked plane (see par. 11.2;i6}

The inquiry disclosed that such damage was no greater than that usually suffered by other planes struck by lightning. It also showed that there were no cases on record of vent outlets being struck by lightning.

ll.h.13 Inspection 2; all the technical records on former use of wrecked plane N. 7313-0 from the date it was built to the date of the crash

This inquiry was undertaken in order to ascertain whether the trouble, the malfunctioning, the stresses from abnormal landings etc., which had occurred during the practical use of the plane maght have been directly or indirectly related to the causes

of the crash.

The results of the inquiry were taken into consideration during the technical examination of the wreckage (see par. 11.2.1 and par.

11.h.lh Inquiries as to the origin of the roll of paper mentioned in par. 11.3.5

The purpose of these inquiries was that mentioned in par. 11.3.5. They were not successful, in the sense that it was not p0551ble to ascertain the origin of the paper, and in particular

whether it was aboard the ill-fated plane.

11.14.15 Chemical analyses of the roll of paper mentioned 11'! par.

These tests were undertaken for the dual purpose of ascertaining whether the characteristics of the paper were such as ndght cause or set off fire and explosion and whether, before the crash occurred, the roll had been lying where it was found afterward.

The tests disclosed only that the roll was a Special type of wrapping paper having no particular characteristics of flammability, etc., and that it contained no substance that would aid combustion.