Page:CAB Accident Report, TWA Flight 891.pdf/6

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ENGINES Peeition 1 2 3 11 Serial No. 705071 7050943 705051: 705091; Total hrs. in operation h102.381 11063.12! 14325.16' 11270.23! Hrs. in operation since

last overhaul 500.58' 5111.11I 263.08! 2141.12! PROPEILHIS Poeition 1 2 3 14 Serial No. 202533 203119 199291; 2014879 Total hrs. 1:: operation 5782,1121 5175.02! 5963.35' 3050.01' Hrs. in operation since

last overhaul 501.02' 1263.034' 7116.27“ 1596.13'

Operational limits of particular interest (from the aircraft's Flight Mamzal)

Maximum permissible weight without fuel (W zero fuel), 117,000 lbs. (At take—off at the Halpensa airport the aircraft Without fuel welght 107,175 lbs.)

Design diving speed (VD) 336 knots (ms) Maximum permissible speed WEE) (up to 13,300 ft.) 29h " " Normal operating limit speed (VNO) (up to 18,800 ft.) 261 " '1 Design manoeuvring speed (VA) 195 " '1 Design (flap 80:! extended) speed (take-off) (Wm) 185 " '3 (flap 100% extended) speed (landing) (VFE) 160 " '1 Optimum climbing alt-speed (V) 156 " "

Limit of acceleration: flap up, 2.5 g ; flap down 2 g.

Maximum differential pressure in fuselage: 10.92" Hg. Also (from Lockheed's data on structural calculatlons):

fleeign speed for mmmum gust inten31ty of 66 ft/sec. (VB) 175 knots {MS}


(a) The crew was made up as follows: