Page:CAB Accident Report, TWA Flight 891.pdf/9

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He was the holder of ME Mechanic Licence 1113026, issued on June 27, 19119, F/E 1098300. His last on physmal examination was on June 10, 1959. His last Line Check, on March 26, 1959.

He had a total of 9200 flight hours, 609 of which were on 16149-11 aircraft, In 1959 he flew a. total of 727 hours.

Flight hours in the last 90 days 231.514‘ u u n n u 30 I: 99.38!

1 n n I: ll 7 n 22.271

Rest period preceding the last flight: 12 hours.

5. Fllgh‘t Engmeer Donald A. Lucke, born January 9, 1918, engaged by m on February 16, 19110 and was rated a Flight Engmeer on July 3, 19116. He was the holder of ME Licence 171919 1581100. on October 28, 191:1; F/E 39115. H15 last 0AA physrcal exarnnatlon was on February 15, 1958; his last Line Check, on February 19, 1959.

He had a total of 9606 flight hours, 658 of which were on 16119—11 aircraft. In 1958 he flew a total of 821 hours.

Flight hours m the last 90 days 188.110 u r: n I: ll 30 :1 35.351 u II II II' II 7 7! 27.271

Rest period preceding the last flight: 12 hours.

(3) Information

Name and surname Nation- Address ality 1. c. B. Albritton 0.5.1. 2146 E. 116th St., New York, NJ. 2. Leonard Annanetti U.S.A. 80112 North Enox, Skorie, Ill. 3. Achllle Belloni I alien leraga (Milano) 11-. Mary Belknap U.S.A. 572T Kenwood St., Chicago, Ill- 5. Augusta Benedetti 11.3.11. 2330 N. 32nd Place, Chlcago, Ill- 6. Jacob Binder U.S.A. 1200 College Ave” New York 55, N- 7. Jean G. Brahamsha Egyptian c/o Boxall 00., NHL, P.0. Box 1: Khartoum, Sudan 8. William Buckley U.S.A. 1h Kensmgton Rd., Arllngton, M355 9. Herman Carmely Israeli Piazza Semplone 3, Milan 10. Pietro Gastelnuoro Italian Vla S. Martino 15, BolLate, Milan 11. Franco Gavellanti Italian Via Home. 5, leraga, Mllan

12. Gabriele CavaJlanti Italian V18. Risorgimento 9/3, Llwaga (Hi: 13. Cell). Rinaleri U.S.A. 1805 D St., Galveston, Tex.