Page:CAB Accident Report, United Airlines Flight 21.pdf/26

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an investigation of the probable flight path of the airplane for his company, presented a sketch (Figure A) of the probable flight path correlating the testimony of the eye-witnesses with the various contacts between United 21 and the airport control tower. Careful examination of all evidence bearing upon the question indicates that Mr. Addems' sketch reflects with substantial accuracy the probable flight path of the airplane.

From Mr. Addems' testimony and the sketch he presented it appears that Trip 21 broke out beneath the overcast northwest of the airport and crossed the airport headed in a southeasterly direction. At a point near the south boundary of the field a turn was made to the left and the airplane proceeded to a point about one and one-half miles east of the airport.

At this point a 180-degree turn was made to the left and the plane headed due west across the airport directly over the railroad tracks which border the present field on the north. Just west of the center of the field a 90-degree turn was made to the left, the airplane proceeding south to a point about one mile south of the southwest corner of the field where a further turn was made and the flight proceeded east to a point about one mile south of the southeast corner. At this point, the airplane made a final left turn which aligned it with the northwest runway at a point approximately one-half mile southeast of the end of the runway.

During these maneuvers the airplane probably descended from the 900-foot level (above the ground) at which contact was first established to about 300 feet as it completed the left turn toward the landing