Page:CAB Accident Report, Western Air Lines Flight 221.pdf/15

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DC-68 aircraft. He held currently effective FAA commercial certificate No. 1431905 with aircraft. single and multiengine land, and instrument ratings. He satisfactorily passed a first-class FAA flight physical on June 26, 1963, without waivers. His last. proficiency check in the DC-6B was on October 1, 1962 His last line check in a DC-6B was on September 20, 1963.

Second Officer Dennis J. Gibbons, age 26, was employed by WAL on May 9, 1963. He had accumulated a total of 360 hours as flight engineer of which 344 hours were in UC-6B aircraft. He held currently effective FAA flight engineer certificate No. 1556780, and he also held commercial certificate with single and multiengine land aircraft and instrument ratings. He passed a second-class AA flight physical on May 3, 1963, without waivers. His last line check was in a DC-6B aircraft on October 9, 1963.

Captain Luke V. Sonner, Jr., age 43, was employed by WAI. on June 24, 1926. He had accumulated a total of 14,600 hours flight time of which 8,000 hours were in DC-6B aircraft He held currently effective FAA airline transport certificate No. 424086 with numerous ratings, among which was the Douglas DC-6B. He satisfactorily passed a first-class FAA flight physical on October 17, 1963, without waivers. His last line check in a DC-6B was on March 14, 1963. His last proficiency check in a DC-6B aircraft was on March 27, 1963. Captain Sonner was a designated check pilot from July 1, 1959 to October 1, 1959, and from February 1 1960 to the date of the accident.

Stewardess Donna. Rafferty was employed by WAL on July 4, 1957. She completed recurrent training in emergency procedures on all equipment November 14, 1963.

Stewardess Diane Leavens was employed by WAL on July 21, 1961. She complete recurrent training in emergency procedures on all equipment November 20, 1963.

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