Page:CAB Aircraft Accident Report, American Airlines Flight 28.pdf/17

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Burbank, which was not completed.

8. The collision occurred when both aircraft were at an altitude of about 9,000 feet, approximately 3 miles north of Palm Springs, California.

9. The weather conditions in the area at the time were satisfactory for flights and were not a contributing factor to the accident.

10. There was no evidence of mechanical failure of either aircraft or their engines.

11. There was no evidence that Captain Pedley had any knowledge of Pilot Wilson's intention of flying close to the Airliner to signal First Officer Reppert. Neither was there evidence that Reppert had agreed to any arrangement which would have violated either the Civil Air Regulations or good practice, nor that he had caused any deviation from the normal conduct of the flight.

Probable Cause: Reckless and irresponsible conduct of Lieutenant William N. Wilson in deliberately maneuvering a bomber in dangerous proximity to an airliner in an unjustifiable attempt to attract the attention of the first officer (copilot) of the latter plane.


/s/ L. Welch Pogue
L. Welch Pogue

/s/ Edward Warner
Edward Warner

/s/ Harllee Branch
Harllee Branch

/s/ Oswald Ryan
Oswald Ryan