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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110019-3

into the GDR, the city's representatives presumably would be popularly elected, and the municipal assembly would cease its reenactment procedures.

East Berlin also has judicial and police organizations separate from those of East Germany, although in practice both function essentially as part of one overall system. The police presidium, operating as a district police headquarters, has eight local commands for East Berlin's eight boroughs (Stadtbezirke) as well as a separate fire department and water police. The court system, headed by a supreme court (Kammergericht) and city court (Stadtgericht), also includes eight borough courts (Stadtbezirksgerichte).

Each of the boroughs is organized along the same lines as the East Berlin city government and includes an assembly of 65 to 95 delegates and a council of 11 members. An exception to this pattern is Weststaaken, which for administrative purposes is part of Potsdam district. The irregular nature of the sector borders within the city, as well as West Berlin's boundaries with East Germany, have periodically led to difficulties for West Berliners living in isolated pockets surrounded by East German territory. In 1972 the West Berlin Senat and the East German Government moved to ease this problem by negotiating territorial exchanges. Additionally agreements appear to be in the offing as both sides try to resolve some of the more difficult problems resulting from the division of the city.

H. Selected bibliography (U/OU)

Bundesministerium für Gesamtdeutsche Fragen. A bis Z: Ein Taschenbuch- und Nachschlagebuch über den Anderen Teil Deutschlands. Bonn. 1969. An authoritative reference work on East Germany prepared by the West German Government. Contains 752 pages of dictionary-type entries, a list of abbreviations, biographic notes, a chronology, and an extensive bibliography.

Childs, David. East Germany. New York. 1969. A survey of political, economic, and social life from an English point of view.

Deutschland Archiv, vol. 1-, April 1968-. Köln 1968-. The single most useful periodical devoted to East German affairs. Contains analytic articles documents, bibliographies, and a running chronology. Contines SBZ-Archiv, 1950-68.

Fortsch, Eckart. Die SED. Stuttgart, 1969. Very detailed analysis of the SED, emphasizing organizational structure and social composition of its leadership.

Hanhardt, Arthur M. The German Democratic Republic. Baltimore, 1968. A political scientist's attempt to analyze East German political economic and sociological problems. Concisely written.

Kulbach, Roderich, and Weber, Helmut. Parteien im Blocksystem der DDR. Cologne, 1969. Analysis of the relationship of the SED to the other political parties.

Lippmann, Heinz. Honecker: Porträt eines Nachfolgers. Cologne, 1971. First major biography of Honecker. Most useful for his earlier life.

Ludz, Peter. The Changing Party Elite in East Germany. Boston, 1972; German ed. 1969. Detailed sociological analysis of the East German elite emphasizing the growing role of the "technocrats." Ludz in later writings has backed away from the conclusions in this book.

Ludz, Peter Christian. The German Democratic Republic From the Sixties to the Seventies. Cambridge, Mass., 1970. A West German political scientist's digest of his extensive work on East Germany. Interesting not only for his insights but because he is Brandt's leading academic advisor on East Germany and has frequently visited the United States to promote East German studies.

Ludz, Peter Christian, ed. Studien und Materialien zur Soziologie der DDR. Köln, 1964. A symposium covering many aspects of social conditions and intellectual life; monumental bibliography covering decade 1952-63.

Plat, Wolfgang. Begegnung mit den Anderen Deutschen. Hamburg, 1969. Conversations in depths with East German citizens attempting to show how they see themselves and their state.

Richert, Ernst. Das Zweite Deutschland; ein Staat, der Nicht Sein Darf. Gütersloh, 1964. General survey in a traditional mold. Critical, but not obsessively so.

Schwarze, Hanns Werner. Die DDR ist Keine Zone Mehr. Köln, 1969. A comprehensive survey which attempts to be a scholarly work but has serious inaccuracies.

Smith, Jean E. Germany Beyond the Wall; People, Politics... and Prosperity. Boston, 1969. Highly favorable treatment of political, economic, cultural, and social life in East Germany. Based on extensive personal observation and careful research but marked by personal enthusiasms of the author.

Stern, Caroln. Ulbricht: A Political Biography. New York, 1965. Although not up-to-date this is the best biography of Ulbricht.

Die Volkskammer der DDR 6. Wahlperiode. East Berlin, 1972. Official East German publication giving the composition of the East German legislative and executive organs, including short biographies.


APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110019-3