Page:CIA World Factbook(1982).djvu/74

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(See reference map V)


42,994 km2 (exclusive of Greenland and Faroe Islands); 64% arable, 8% meadows and pastures, 11% forested, 17% other

Land boundaries: 68 km


Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 nm (fishing 200 nm)

Coastline: 3,379 km


Population: 5,125,000 (July 1982), average annual growth rate 0.1%

Nationality: noun—Dane(s); adjective—Danish

Ethnic divisions: homogeneous white population

Religion: 96% Evangelical Lutheran, 3% other Protestant and Roman Catholic, 1% other

Language: Danish; small German-speaking minority

Literacy: 99%

Labor force: 2,529,000 (1979 average); 8.2% agriculture, forestry, fishing, 21.0% manufacturing, 7.9% construction, 13.3% commerce, 6.8% transportation, 7.0% banking and business services, 34.1% social services; 6.9% average unemployment rate

Organized labor: 65% of labor force


Official name: Kingdom of Denmark

Type: constitutional monarchy

Capital: Copenhagen

Political subdivisions: 14 counties, 277 communes, 88 towns

Legal system: civil law system; constitution adopted 1953; judicial review of legislative acts; legal education at Universities of Copenhagen and Arhus; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations

National holiday: birthday of the Queen, 16 April

Branches: legislative authority rests jointly with Crown and parliament (Folketing); executive power vested in Crown but exercised by Cabinet responsible to parliament; Supreme Court, 2 superior courts, 106 lower courts

Government leaders: Queen MARGRETHE II; Prime Minister Anker J0RGENSEN

Suffrage: universal over age 21

Elections: on call of prime minister but at least every four years (last election 8 December 1981)

Political parties and leaders: Social Democratic, Anker Jorgensen; Liberal, Henning Christophersen; Conservative, Poul Schltiter; Radical Liberal, Niels Helveg Petersen; Socialist Peopled, Gert Petersen; Communist, Joergen Jensen; Left Socialist, Preben Wilhjelm; Center Democratic, Erhard Jakobsen; Christian Peopled, Christian Christensen; Justice, Poul Gerhard Kristiansen; Trade and Industry Party, Asger J. Lindinger; Progress Party, Mogens Glistrup

Voting strength (1981 election): 32.9% Labor, 11.3% Liberal, 14.4% Conservative, 8.9% Progress, 11.3% Socialist Peopled, 5.1% Radical Liberal, 2.6% Left Socialist, 8.3% Center Democrats, 2.3% Christian, 1.4% Justice

Communists: 7,500-8,000; a number of sympathizers, as indicated by 34,625 Communist votes cast in 1981 elections

Member of: ADB, Council of Europe, DAC, EC, EEC, ELDO (observer), EMA, ESRD, EURATOM, FAO, GATT, IAEA, IBRD, ICAC, ICAO, ICES, ICO, IDA, IEA, IFAD, IFC, IHO, ILO, International Lead and Zinc Study Group, IMCO, IMF, IPU, ISO, ITC, ITU, IWC—International Wheat Council, NATO, Nordic Council, OECD, UN, UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WSG


GNP: $64.6 billion (1980), $12,623 per capita; 51.6% private consumption, 18.8% investment, 27.5% government, 3.5% net foreign sector and stock building; 1980 growth rate —0.2%, constant prices

Agriculture: highly intensive, specializes in dairying and animal husbandry; main crops—cereals, root crops; food imports—oilseed, grain, feedstuffs; caloric intake, 3,180 calories per day per capita (1968-69)

Fishing: catch 1.7 million metric tons (1979), exports $707 million 1979 (est.)

Major industries: food processing, machinery and equipment, textiles and clothing, chemical products, electronics, transport equipment, metal products, bricks and mortar, furniture and other wood products

Crude steel: 863,000 metric tons produced (1978), 170 kg per capita

Electric power: 7,000,000 kW capacity (1980); 25.438 billion kWh produced (1980), 4,960 kWh per capita

Exports: $16.5 billion (f.o.b., 1980); principal items—meat, dairy products, industrial machinery and equipment,