Page:CMH Pub 9-2 - Stilwell's Command Problems.djvu/4

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Kent Roberts Greenfield, General Editor

Advisory Committee (As of 1 June 1954)

James P. Baxter
President, Williams College

Gordon A. Craig
Princeton University

Elmer Ellis
University of Missouri

William T. Hutchinson
University of Chicago

Charles H. Taylor
Harvard University

Maj. Gen. Elwyn D. Post
Army Field Forces

Bng. Gen. Verdi B. Barnes
Army War College

Brig. Gen. C. E. Beauchamp
Command and General Staff College

Brig, Gen. Leonard J. Greeley
Industrial College of the Armed Forces

Col. Thomas D. Stamps
United States Military Academy

Office of the Chief of Military History

Maj. Gen. Albert C. Smith. Chief[1]

Chief Historian
Chief, War Histories Division
Chief, Editorial and Publication Division
Chief, Editorial Branch
Chief, Cartographic Branch
Chief, Photographic Branch

Kent Roberts Greenfield
Col. G. G. O'Connor
Lt. Col. T. E. Bennett
Joesph R. Friedman
Wsevolod Aglaimoff
Maj. Arthur T. Lawry

  1. Maj. Gen. Orlando Ward was succeeded by General Smith on 1 February 1955
