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Who asked you to go to Pittsburgh?

A I believe it was Michael Brown.

Q Okay. And what were you asked to do there?

A I was told to report to Christina Norton. Pretty vague on, you know, what exactly that would look like at that point.

Q Okay. And what was—was Christina Norton an employee of the Trump campaign?

A Not to my knowledge. She is the political director at the Republican National Lawyers Association. Just, you know, assisting the campaign. I don't know if she had a formal contract.

Q Got it. And what was your understanding at the outset of what you were—what your responsibilities would be once you reported to Ms. Norton?

A At that point, I just knew that I'd be assisting her. I didn't know what that looked like.

Q Okay. So once you got to Pittsburgh, how did your responsibilities—what were your responsibilities once you got there and found out—found them out?

A Right. So I drove up there with Christina, checked into the hotel, went to the office building that whoever was working in Pittsburgh for the Trump campaign was at.

Christina and I get there. They basically say that they need help with provisional ballot review and canvassing. So Christina and I, you know, coordinate volunteers to make sure counties had observers there.

Q Okay. And I think you told us that you were in Pittsburgh for about a week following the election?

A That's correct.