Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/67

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Q And is this the kind of information—and you might not know this, and you can tell me—that wouldn't be, like, available, like, publicly on a website?

A I assume you could get the information if you called the county. But, at that time, you know, sometimes calling the county wasn't the most—the quickest thing to do. Sometimes local and county governments aren't very responsive. So it was just a way to gather information on dates.

Q So your recollection is you called—or, excuse me—you asked Mr. Ivory if he had any good relationship—had a good relationship with any of, you know, the four listed county commissioners simply for, like, almost like logistical purposes or scheduling?

A Correct. I stated earlier my role in the provisional ballot review was just scheduling volunteers to be at these counties. So, yes, that's my only goal with these.

Q Understood.

And, if you recall, had someone asked you to reach out to Mr. Ivory to ask him this question?

A Potentially Christina Norton, as my, you know, superior at this given time. I'm not exactly sure.

Q Okay.

And do you remember what, if anything, you did, you know, with the information that Mr. Ivory gave you?

A Well, it looks like he didn't have any information for me, because I said, "No worries if there aren't established relationships there," and then said I was going to have Fitz, referring to James Fitzgerald, call the county GOP chairs.

Q And do you know if—you said Mr. Fitzgerald?

A Or, sorry, Fitzpatrick. I misspoke.

Q Not a problem. Do you know if Mr. Fitzpatrick called the county GOP