Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/75

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A Correct.

Q And, at the time—this was November 12th—what were you working on with respect to the provisional ballots in Pennsylvania?

A Solely just, you know, coordinating with volunteers who were observing at these particular counties.

Q Do you recall, was there a challenge with respect to the provisional ballots in Northampton around this time?

A I don't know. Like I said, there was a lot of counties that we handled in Pennsylvania, so I won't be able to recall the outcome of any particular county.

Q Is it your understanding that there was a provisional review process in more than one county in Pennsylvania?

A Yes.

Q Okay. And you were involved in the various counties.

A Multiple counties.

Q Multiple counties. So you can't recall the different Pennsylvania counties that you were involved with, with respect to provisional ballot review.

A I don't—I don't think I—I mean, I don't have a comprehensive list in my head of every county. I mean, Christy and I had multiple, multiple counties. So I don't know, you know, what was going on particularly in Northampton on November 12th. I don't recall.

Q And I believe you said the individual who texted you might have been a volunteer. Is that right?

A Yes.

Q So you don't believe this was someone who was working for the Trump campaign at this time.