Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/92

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A Not on my end, unless, you know, they had texted me after that or something like that. You know, it's not like I ever called them. I don't believe I called anyone more than once.

Q Do you know if anyone else was following up with elected officials that you were not able to reach?

A I don't know.

Q And I just want to confirm, did you say the calls to the different elected officials from different States happened within about a week's time, end of November, early December? Is that right?

A Yeah. I would—and instead of a week, I would probably say a couple of days. Definitely less than a week.

Q And so the way it went, Mr. Brown would give you all the State, and you had your assignments, and you'd call up the elected officials using the script provided to you?

A State, script, contact information, and then, yeah, we would make the calls.

Q Do you recall how many elected officials that you called in Georgia in connection with the November 2020 election and, you know, using the script?

A Me personally?

Q Yes.

A I have no recollection of how many calls I made.

Q Is it fair to say because it was too many to count?

A No. I would attribute it more to the fact that this happened, you know, at this point, it would've been over a year ago. I don't remember, you know, the duration of the event, you know, how extensive it was or anything like that, for any particular State.

Q And when you were conducting this outreach, this was all on behalf of the