Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/97

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So I just really don't feel like I can answer that question. Even if we, you know, decipher between media and official and all the steps within the official, I just—I don't think that I can fully answer that question.


Q Okay. Let me try to put this in a different way. Let me rephrase—

A Okay.

Q —one more time, and then we'll take a break.

The selection of States that we've been discussing that you were asked to make phone calls into to reach State legislators, by the time that you were making the calls, do you understand that the purpose of making the calls was to have something change about the outcome of the election?

A I'm going to go back to what I said earlier, is, I was never aware of, you know, what the particular purpose of these calls were. You know, I wasn't looped in on any conversations related to strategy or, you know, as it says here, "the clear path." I was never looped in on these conversations. I can't comment on the purpose of the calls other than I made them because someone told me to and that was my job.

Q Okay.

Were any of the States that you were calling into States where you were asking State legislators to defend the outcome of the election at the time that it was there—at the time that you were making the calls, rather?

A Can you clarify what you mean by "defend the outcome"?

Q Sure. So the sentence that we were just discussing a moment ago in the script refers to sending a slate of electors that will support President Trump. My, sort of, reading of that, understanding of that, is that you're asking the legislators to do something. Is that accurate?