Page:CTRL0000034607 - Deposition of Ali Alexander, (Dec. 9, 2021).pdf/215

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D.C. on January 6th. Do you remember that they—

A No, I don't. I thought theirs was also December 19th.

Q No.

A It's news to me.

Q So when the President released or did the wild protest, did you have any foreknowledge he was going to do that?

A No.

Q Okay. And, afterwards, did you ever hear from someone whether—when he tweeted on the 19th for the wild protest—whether he was referring to Stop the Steal or the Kremers or anyone in particular?

A I assumed just until this moment that it could only be Stop the Steal, because I was—literally everyone was going to capitals, and I had had a conversation—a direct conversation with, you know, Paul Gosar. And so I just figured the President had to be tweeting about, you know, our presence or us.

Q And that's the coalition broadly, or you in particular and the people you were with?

A The Stop the Steal Coalition and the influencers that I mentioned that, you know, we deployed to these various States.

Q Okay. And then, you know, understand how Ms. Wren comes onto the scene. She texted you, and you had that conversation. And just in brief, it sounds like it was just a continuing conversation trying to work out how the coalition will work together for all of these events on the 5th and 6th. Is that fair?

A That sounds fair.

Q All right. And in terms of the working dynamic, again, just so I know, you weren't communicating with the Kremers. You were going through Caroline Wren.