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A Nowhere, anywhere and everywhere. And I would say, you know, supposed to—these are adults, and there are, I think, a dozen events happening in D.C. The only reason I'm aware of this again is because a lot of people and a lot of chatter are talking to me. There's Lot 8 this, that's my event obviously. There's Lot 9. And the U.S, Capitol Police represented to my consultant that there was an event at 9, 10, at 11, and then I heard something was adjacent like a medical freedom rally or whatever. And so, could all of the attendees, were they supposed to go anywhere? No. Did we want same attendees to attend Lot 8? Absolutely. But it was our understanding that obviously all of those people could not fit on Lot 8. Lot 8 has a—we are in a 3-D world.

Q Let's go to your event on Lot 8 at the Capitol Grounds. Who was supposed to speak at your event on Lot 8?

A Well, I think for the purpose of this deposition, we should clarify just to do the record justice that it wasn't an event, that it was a planned event, that it was an event that was supposed to happen. It is an event that was prevented from happening. When you get a permit from the U.S. Capitol Police, they say that they will provide you barricades and protection. We got neither one of those. And that's the not the fault of U.S. Capitol Police, but we weren't provided either one of those. Okay.

So there was no way our event was going to be able to take place. And then, obviously, there's everything else that was happening. So, but who did I plan to, you know, speak at the Lot 8 event? Some of those people were at the website that you guys infamously have. And others of those had expired because the event moved. So the original Lot 8 event was scheduled for like 7—not 7, 9 a.m. or something like that.

And when the Ellipse event emerged, we moved that event to whenever Trump would be done speaking. And the best guess we could have was 1 o'clock, because that's when Congress was, you know, constitutionally ordered to gavel in in their joint