Page:CTRL0000034607 - Deposition of Ali Alexander, (Dec. 9, 2021).pdf/40

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A Like many political functions and groups, you know, in this business, it's an impromptu coalition based off of a need. And you see this a lot around like the ObamaCare issue. Or, you know, on the left and on the right you'll—you know, we've had impromptu coalitions around, like, the estate tax, the death tax we call it.

So One Nation Under God is, like I said, Stop the Steal paid for all the staging and equipment. But because it wasn't exclusively political, and it was also religious and web were doing prayers and the blowing of the shofar and it was a very Judeo-Christian event, and that that was going to be the real focus. I even talked about changing hearts and minds.

So we were seeking a political legislative remedy from the outside. It was very spiritual thing, and so we had to call it One Nation Under God because there's a bunch of Christian groups that didn't fit into Stop the Steal. Some Christian groups did, but not all did. Some Jewish groups didn't fit in there, and we wanted their participation.

Q While you were at The Ellipse, did have you any interactions with Secret Service?

Mr.   Beyond the magnetometer-type stuff.

Mr. Alexander. Could—could we specify what interactions mean?


Q Did you talk, communicate with any Secret Service agents after getting into the magnetometer?

A Communicate. Verbally, I don't know.

Q You don't recall?

A I don't recall, you know, verbally communicating the way you're defining it to the Secret Service.

Q And, correct me if I'm wrong, but did your personal security detail go with