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as he doesn't recall ever seeing it.

And I guess, just as an addendum, remarkable to me that the testimony—how close the testimony of General Milley is to what was in Bob Woodward and Robert Costa's book, which makes one wonder whether he was speaking to those authors, but I'll stop at that.

Mr. Sofer. Yeah, I think the most important point, the general point I think we all can agree on is this would be a lot easier if someone had provided us with the actual memo that could help our client. He's made very clear he doesn't recall, and since it's not around, it's very difficult for us to have a conversation about something that we can't see.

 . Yeah, you're right, Mr. Sofer, it is, and we don't have it either, as we've said. This is not—

Mr. Sofer. I'm not suggesting the committee is holding it back. I just think it makes the conversation exceedingly difficult.

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nmmm— — —
To be clear, the point of the—the basis of the question is not simply the Woodward book. It is the testimony of General Milley and evidence developed from other witnesses about a memo, as we have described, that is directing the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and—excuse me, from Somalia and Afghanistan, and the testimony about your client's direct involvement in that—passing that memo along to the people who would be in a position to act on it. That's the basis of the question. I wish I had the memo to give you and show you; I do not.

Mr. Sofer. As do we. I'm just saying, and, again, I think the record is clear, he doesn't recall.

# # # # # #
nmmm— — —

Mr. Sofer. It would be very helpful to his recollection obviously—