Page:CTRL0000034609 - Transcribed Interview of Kashyap Pramod Patel, (December 9, 2021).pdf/11

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and Afghanistan.

Although I am here voluntarily to answer as many questions as possible, I request the committee explain how questions on topics—

Mr. Sofer. Slow down.

The Witness. Sorry. I should know this. We used to work together.

I request that the committee explain how questions on topics with no discernible connection to H. Res. 503 serve a, quote, "valid, legislative purpose," end quote, as required by Supreme Court precedent.

Although I was a DOD official on January 6th, I understand the committee may wish to ask me about events that occurred while I was a senior White House official at the National Security Council, as well as about directed communications I may have had with the President and some of his most senior advisers. I am aware that former President Trump has initiated litigation, which is currently ongoing, to block the release of certain records from the National Archives and could take similar action with respect to the testimony of myself and others.

To the extent the committee's questions today implicate core executive privilege concerns, I'm committed to trying to expeditiously resolve any issues, including by consulting with representatives of the current and former President, if necessary.

However, I want to state for the record my serious concerns about how the committee's attempt to bulldoze any and all claims of executive privilege, which is virtually unprecedented, infringes on the separation of powers and will likely have a negative, long-term consequence of the effect—of the effective functioning of the executive branch.

Because some, including in this room or on video, have mistakenly claimed that I was unqualified for the positions I held or was considered for, I want to briefly describe