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[Discussion off the record.]

The Witness. So I don't know if that's even technically possible, but I don't remember a separate conversation with President Trump on me becoming whatever form of director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

BY  :

Q You don't remember, or it didn't happen?

A I'm saying I don't remember a conversation about that.

Q How about as Director of the FBI?

A No, I don't believe a conversation about that was had.

Q So the answer to the Director of FBI is "no," but the answer—

A No. I said I don't believe—

Q Okay.

A —a conversation about that was had.

Q But the answer about the Director of CIA was "I don't remember." I just want to make sure I'm clear on both your answers.

A Yeah. I don't recall the CIA one. I recall not having, to the best of my recollection, a conversation with the President about being the Director of the FBI.

Q But wouldn't it be something significant to remember, if you had a conversation with President Trump about becoming the Director of the CIA?

A And, again, I know you guys try to think this is improbable, but I was in one of those positions for a 2-year period of time, approximately, where I had many conversations with the President impacting things that I would only read about or watch in movies. So, after a certain period of time, they tend to stack up and you just do the mission. And that's what I was focused on.

So, if you have something to show me, I'm happy to look at it, but—