Page:CTRL0000034609 - Transcribed Interview of Kashyap Pramod Patel, (December 9, 2021).pdf/135

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asked him, "What is the situation with the guy in Italy?"

A Okay. Didn't my counsel just ask if you have something you could provide us?

Q This is a transcript.

A And you can't provide it to us?

Mr. Glabe. So, if there's any transcripts that would—

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nmmmmm— — —
We can't—

Mr. Glabe. —refresh his recollection, would you provide that?

The Witness. And you said you would provide us with everything you would ask questions about today. That was the agreement between you and counsel.

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nmmmmm— — —
Mr. Patel, as a former House staffer, you know we cannot provide you the transcripts of other witnesses.

The Witness. Okay. Well, fair enough. If you can't—

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nmmmmm— — —
I am attempting to refresh—

The Witness. If you—

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nmmmmm— — —
—your recollection with the statement from another witness.

The Witness. Yeah. And if all you're going—and if I can't see a transcript, but hear you read a piece of a quote, I'm telling you, I'm not saying it did not happen, I'm saying I don't recall.

# # # # # # # #
nmmmmm— — —
And I'm attempting to refresh your recollection.

The Witness. Based on a statement of seven words? I don't recall.

Mr. Glabe. And I just want to state that your record—your statement, as we understood it, was categorical, that you would provide us ahead of time any documents that you would reference.

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nmmmmm— — —
As you know, Mr. Glabe, we cannot provide you transcripts that