Page:CTRL0000034609 - Transcribed Interview of Kashyap Pramod Patel, (December 9, 2021).pdf/145

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nmmmmm— — —
So it would be November 10th to January—

Mr. Sofer. So you're talking about his work—

Mr. Glabe. His personal numbers?

Mr. Sofer. —his work telephone numbers, correct?

 . Personal cell phone and any numbers—again, I don't want the classified stuff. If there's anything that's classified, I don't want it. But numbers that Mr. Patel used.

Mr. Sofer. I don't think we'll commit to providing his personal telephone number. He's already had a number of threats. The committee's already outed him, in some ways. I don't think we commit to that. I'm not saying we wouldn't do it. We'd have to talk about it. So I won't commit to it now.

His work telephone numbers, absolutely. I don't see a problem with us providing those. Those seem to me to be available through DOD anyway. In fact, I would assume that those phones were surrendered at the time of his—

The Witness. They were, yeah.

Mr. Sofer. —of his leaving government service. And the phones themselves are probably available as well.

Personal cell phone or cell phone numbers, we're going to have to discuss, given the security threats he's faced.

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nmmm— — —
I understand. Don't want to exacerbate any security threats.

BY  :

Q Mr. Patel, let me just ask you, did you use your personal phone in any way to conduct official business?

A I tried to make it a habit of not doing that. Did I ever do it? Possibly. I just don't—