Page:CTRL0000034609 - Transcribed Interview of Kashyap Pramod Patel, (December 9, 2021).pdf/30

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A Which—sorry.

Q And I believe it's actually in the IG report as well in terms of some of the scrutiny the DOD received, such as the low-flying helicopters.

A Sorry. Do you have the number?

Q Sure. Well, it's in your own IG report there, and then let me give you the Army report. It's exhibit 48.

A Oh, okay.

Q Exhibit 48 is the report of U.S. Army operations. On page 2 there, letter D, lessons learned from civil disturbance in D.C. in June 2020.

A So, sorry, what's the question? I'm reading it, but what's the question?

Q The question is, were you involved in and does that jog your memory as to any additional discussions that were had about the scrutiny DOD received during the summer and how it impacted the preparations for January 6th?

A I don't believe so, but I just want to highlight that this report was produced on March 18, 2021, a few months after I'd left. So I haven't spent too much time looking at this report, but this paragraph does not jog my memory for anything else.

Q Okay.

Mr. Glabe. And let me just state for the record that it appears the referenced paragraph recounts events up to—that occurred from after the summer of 2020 through approximately November 8, 2020. And Mr. Patel joined Department of Defense just around that time, shortly after the election. So I don't have the day off the top of my head, but point being that these—these sort of paragraphs refer to events that largely, if not entirely, took place before he joined the Department of Defense.

BY  :

Q The greater point of the paragraphs are how that summer impacted the