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why we were seeking what the FBI was doing. And I believe, from the best of my recollection, even the Acting AG said that that would be a matter that the FBI would be aware of; I, the Acting AG, am not aware of those details.

Q But presumably the Acting AG is the head—

A Well, he's his boss, but he admitted to us he didn't know what his subordinate was doing.

Q You remember that on the call?

A In sum and substance, yeah. We were looking for specific law enforcement details, including intelligence, and we couldn't—and what law enforcement was doing to prepare and the Acting AG didn't provide, as best as I can recall, those details.

Q Got it. I want to shift to a meeting that was held at the White House on January 5th. There's no exhibits that go along with this.

A Oh, okay.

Q Unless you want me to print out the Vanity Fair article for you?

A If you're going to cite from it, sure, but—

Q Sure.

A —let's see what you're going to do. I don't know.

Q We'll get those. Do you have a memory of the January 5th meeting at the White House with Secretary Miller?

A I have a meeting of—I—excuse me, I have a memory of many meetings at the White House with Secretary—Acting Secretary Miller in and around that time. Sometimes it may have even been twice a day. I just don't know the ins and outs off the top of my head.

Q This is what—do you remember, I believe few days before, a Vanity Fair reporter was basically embedded with you and Acting Secretary Miller and—