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reports to the Secretary of the Army, as does the commanding general of the National Guard.

That information was then, from my memory, taken and given to Secretary McCarthy, who was the Secretary of the Army, so that he would know that if—because that's where the two points meet. That's where the two authorizations meet. The Presidential authorization meets the authorization from the field. The Mayor, in this case, would call Secretary McCarthy and say, I need—and I'm making up numbers—1,000 guardsmen and -women for X, Y, and Z.

Secretary of the Army McCarthy would then know, I'm authorized up to 20,000; I can go ahead and mobilize that once I get the okay from the Secretary of Defense.

Q Got it.

Do you remember if General Milley was at this conversation?

A Sorry. Which one?

Q The January 5th, this conversation regarding the 10,000 troops.

A To the best of my memory, we usually were in those Oval Office meetings with a number of folks, so it was a—he could've been. I just don't recall.

Q Do you recall a request for 10,000 troops by President Trump ever being conveyed to Speaker Pelosi?

A Did I do it to Speaker Pelosi?

Q Did you or do you know if anyone—

A I don't believe I ever said that. But, from the best of my memory, there were calls on January 6 between leadership, which I was privy to, and the Speaker. It may have come up. We fielded a lot of calls that day from congressional leadership.

Q Uh-huh.

A It might—if it's mentioned in the timeline, that's what I would say is the best