Page:CTRL0000034609 - Transcribed Interview of Kashyap Pramod Patel, (December 9, 2021).pdf/48

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the streets of Washington, D.C.?

A What was common?

Q Coming. What was expected to happen that would justify the deployment of National Guard troops?

A We had a request that I remember—we had a request from late December from the Mayor, so we knew that was coming.

Q Uh-huh.

A And the Department was aware that January 6th was the certification date. And what I remember generally is that law enforcement had said, there may—could be—a possibility of some unrest.

And so, in preparation, what I remember is the authorization for up to 10,000 to 20,000. That's not to say we were going to use that many.

Q Tell us more about the unrest. What did you hear about from any source about what that might be?

A I don't recall hearing anything personally about it. And, outside of the intelligence at the time that we were provided, which I can't recall now, I don't remember anything.

Q You have no recollection, as you sit here, of any of the intelligence that gave rise to the request for National Guard on January the 6th?

A Personally?

Q Yes.

A If you could show me, I'm happy to read it, but I don't have an independent memory, other than law enforcement saying there could be unrest. That's what I recall.

Q Just to be clear, that's all? You don't remember anything else about the specifics of what that unrest might entail—the numbers, the specific groups involved,