Page:CTRL0000034609 - Transcribed Interview of Kashyap Pramod Patel, (December 9, 2021).pdf/50

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Q That's not my question. My question is, in January, the first few days of January of 2021—

A Uh-huh.

Q —you're the chief of staff to the Secretary of Defense. Was there any discussion that you recall about what happened in the summer impacting preparations, DOD preparations, for what was coming on January 6th?

A So I believe I addressed that, so I'll refer back to that answer. But, to address your question again, I rely on what I previously stated. But do I recall conversations about the summer in early January?

Q Yes.

A I recall some conversations with leadership at the Department that it came up. The specifics I do not recall.

Q Okay. Again, as you sit here today, no recollection of any of the specifics of how the summer protest events impacted the Defense Department's preparation?

A I think as I stated earlier, what I do remember is that the senior leadership that was in place at the Department of Defense reminded senior leadership that was then in place of lessons learned. And whatever those lessons learned were documented by us in our recording—in our reportings, excuse me. And so, outside of that, I don't have any other independent memory of not using anything else.

Q What were the lessons learned?

A You'd have to ask the people that were there—

Q I'm asking you, Mr. Patel.

A Well, I wasn't there.

Q In your mind, what were the lessons learned from the summer that affected