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request. It's not up to—it's not up to him.

Q Okay. So, taking out—was there any urgency conveyed as to, "We're in the middle of a crisis here, and what are you guys doing?" meaning you, Kash Patel, as a high official at DOD?

A Yeah, I mean, I remember the chief just being like, "Do whatever you need to do. Respond to congressional requests. Get the National Guard where they need to be. Respond to the Mayor." "Thanks. Check. Let me go do it."

Q Are you saying, when you say "the chief," do you mean from the DOD side, or are you talking about Mark Meadows?

A Chief of Staff Meadows.

Q And that's what you remember from those calls?

A Yeah. They weren't—as I said, they weren't long. They were sort of updates and "get the job done."

Q Was there anyone else you spoke to at the White House?

Mr. Glabe. On January 6th?

BY  :

Q On January 6th.

A Maybe, but I don't remember. I probably fielded on that day at least 50 phone calls and up to 100, I'm guessing.

Q Well, did you speak to Keith Kellogg?

A General Kellogg was at the time the Vice President's National Security Advisor, and we served on the National Security Council together. So it's possible that General Kellogg called me or I called him. He was a representative of the Vice President. So it's definitely possible.

Q It's reported in the press that Meadows didn't understand what the delay