Page:CTRL0000034609 - Transcribed Interview of Kashyap Pramod Patel, (December 9, 2021).pdf/60

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the President of the United States.

A Okay.

Q You wouldn't remember if you talked to him on January 6th?

[Discussion off the record.]

The Witness. Yeah, as I said, I don't remember having a phone call with the President on January 6th.

BY  :

Q So, Mr. Patel, just so I'm clear, that does not mean you did not have a call with the President on January 6th.

Because if you—you and I could agree that a call from the President of the United States during an attack on the Capitol would be memorable, no?

A To me?

Q To you.

A To me as chief of staff? It might be. I know this might be hard for you to believe, but I talked to the President a number of times. So, any time that the President called, it was a memorable moment. But I don't remember every single phone call I fielded, especially on a day when I fielded upwards of 100 phone calls.

Q So you have no recollection if the President called you or did not call you.

A I believe—as I said, I don't believe we spoke on January 6th.

Q But by saying "I don't believe"—and you've been an attorney, a trial attorney—it's not precluding that you did have a conversation with President Trump.

A And, as I've said, if you show me a call log that says—

Q I don't have to show you a call log for you to jog your memory if you talked to President Trump or not.

Mr. Glabe. Hold on just a second.