Page:CTRL0000034609 - Transcribed Interview of Kashyap Pramod Patel, (December 9, 2021).pdf/7

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nmmm— — —

The Witness. Members of the select committee and staff, good afternoon. I am here today because I am willing and able to share with you and the American people the truth about the events of January 6th, including the Department of Defense's preparation for and response to the unrest at the Capitol.

I am and will remain proud of my 16 years in public service, including during the Trump administration. Let me say unequivocally that I have no information about and never would have participated in any attempt to improperly maintain power following the conclusion of President Trump's term.

I'm also proud to have been the first person of color to serve in several of the positions that I held in government.

I want to state for the record that I'm here voluntarily, and the subpoena served on me on September 24th was not necessary to secure my appearance. The committee contacted me privately and asked me to voluntarily could've contact me—excuse me—provide information as it has done for dozens, if not hundreds, of other witnesses. Instead I—

Mr. Sofer. Slow down for the stenographer.

The Witness. Sorry. I should know that.

Instead, I first learned that I had been issued a subpoena without prior reach from the committee when members of the media contacted me on the evening of September 23rd on my personal cell phone. I had still yet to be served with a subpoena or any notice of it.

I was subsequently the victim of vile, racist, and physically threatening messages. To quote some, "Pack your fucking carpet bag and start swimming, you fucking treasonous bitch. America is going to chew you up and they'll slice that fucking sand