Page:CTRL0000034609 - Transcribed Interview of Kashyap Pramod Patel, (December 9, 2021).pdf/71

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A What time period?

Q On January 6th or in the days following.

A I don't recall any discussions about the 25th Amendment.

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nmmmmm— — —
Before I move on to kind of the transition issues and post-January 6th, are there any questions?

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nmmm— — —
Yeah, just a couple things.

BY  :

Q Mr. Patel, during the day of January 6th, do you remember any discussion with anyone about whether or not it would be useful for the President to issue a statement asking people to stop or not behave violently?

A The day of, I'm not sure I remember that. I remember seeing it come out later that there was some sort of message or tweet put out about disbanding or dispersing. But do I have personal knowledge about how that message was derived? I don't think so.

Q Again, listen to the question: During the day, do you remember any discussion with anyone about whether or not it would be useful for the President to issue some kind of statement discouraging violence?

A I don't remember that. On January 6th I don't remember that.

Q You don't remember anybody ever raising that as a possibility or as something that might help?

A It might've happened. I just don't remember it.

Q Today, again, no recollection that anyone raised that?

A I don't have an independent memory of that.

Q Did anyone, in your recollection, make any attempt to encourage the White House, Mr. Meadows or others—