Page:CTSS programmer's guide.djvu/11

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of it being prepared by the following: Mrs. Marjorie M. Daggett, Mr. Robert Daley, Mr. Robert Creasy, Mrs. Jessica Hellwig, Mr. Richard Orenstein, and Professor F. J. Corbató. Important contributions to some of the commands and the background system have been made by Mrs. Lynda Korn. Valuable criticism and advice has been offered by Professor Jack Dennis, Mr. J. R. Steinberg, and members of the Computation Center Staff. Mrs. Leslie Lowry, Mr. Louis Pouzin, and Mrs. Evelyn Dow have contributed to the preparation of the commands.

Special credit is given to Professor Herbert Teager for the design and development of his Flexowriter control subchannel which allowed the original experimental version of the present system to be developed, tested, and evaluated; only with such an opportunity was it possible to have the confidence to make the present pilot development of the CTSS system.

We should also like to extend our thanks to the Computer Center of the University of Michigan where Professor Bernard Galler, Mr. Bruce Arden, and Mr. Robert Graham have been very helpful in advising us on the use of their Mad Compiler in our time-sharing system. In addition, Mr. Robert Rosen kindly made available the Madtran editing program for processing Fortran II subprograms to Mad subprograms.

We should further like to take this occasion to acknowledge partial support by the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, and the Ford Foundation, of the development of our present system. We also add our appreciation for the support provided the Computation Center by the IBM Corporation.

Finally, we should like to encourage the readers of this handbook to examine the present system with a view toward improvements, and we shall welcome such criticisms.

F. J. Corbató

Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 1963