Page:CTSS programmer's guide.djvu/27

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Storage Allocation

Presently only one user program is kept in core memory at a time. However, in order to improve response time, as many user programs as possible should be left in core memory. When required, as much as necessary of the lowest priority program in the scheduling algorithm may be moved to the disk (or drum) memory to make more core memory available. Because of the relative slowness of the 7320 drum and the 1301 disk transfers, moving program segments about in core is an effective way to consolidate space into which to read the user program next to be run. Thus the swap time required to give a response to a user will be only that dictated by the size of his own program. To carry out this procedure, several storage allocation algorithms are under consideration.

Although other possibilities exist, as in the Atlas Computer, initially no attempt will be made to operate any user program unless all of its program segments are contiguous and sequential in core memory. Also the possibility exists of performing a look-ahead operation of swapping a user program in or out while operating another user program (i.e. multiprogramming). Again, initially no attempt will be made to implement the look-ahead feature, since the effectiveness is seriously reduced if scheduling changes (i.e., program completions) are frequent, or if there is frequent competition with the operating program for use of the drum or disk channel.

Memory Protection and Relocation

To avoid fatal conflicts between the supervisor and multiple users, the CTSS IBM 7090/94 includes a special modification which behaves as follows:

Core memory is considered to be divided into 256-word blocks. There are two 7-bit protection registers which, when the computer is in the normal mode, can be set by program to any block numbers. Whenever a user program is run, the supervisor, as a final step just before transferring to the user program, switches the computer to a special mode such that if execution of any memory address outside the range of the protection register block numbers is attempted, the normal mode is