Page:C Q, or, In the Wireless House (Train, 1912).djvu/246

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“C. Q.”; or, In the Wireless House

and spent the winter, and did the same thing the winters following. In the summer we took a cottage at Brighton and had the best specialists. It must have cost a pile of money. And all that time neither mother nor I ever suspected a thing.”

“No,—why should you?" interjected the listener.

“Then Jim—Jim Chilvers—I was engaged to be married to him—”

She stopped suddenly and looked enquiringly at Micky.

“Sure,—I understand,” said Micky encouragingly.

“Jim came to me one day and said he ’d found that father had taken the money from the bank—nearly £5000—by shifting the securities around some way. I don’t understand those things. We were to have been married in a month, but Jim explained that they were going to have some kind of an investigation and that the bank would surely find it out.”

She turned a white face to him. Outside the rain beat a ghostly tattoo on the rattling panes.