Page:C Q, or, In the Wireless House (Train, 1912).djvu/307

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“C. Q.”; or, In the Wireless House

said to Graeme in the moonlight. Well, it was true that his Lady of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem was the loveliest girl in all England, and—perhaps—it was true also that she had been engaged to this other man. But now—now, what? Graeme was out of it. He might have won the race but he had passed out before he could claim the prize. That bloody old earl! Micky ground his teeth through the tears that would come in spite of him

“Hello, Micky!” said Binks, sticking his head in the door. “’Ere ’s a pyper in exchange for that Pink ’Un you gave me! Goin’ ashore?”

“Thanks, old chap!” replied Micky. “No—not just yet.”

“Say,—those hofficers is ’avin’ a great ’unt for that fellow Cloud,” continued Binks “Hit turns out ’e ’s a murderer. Killed the bloomin’ Hearl o’ Roakby! An’ blime if ’e ain’t just disappeared entire—without so much a, a by yer leave!”

“Well, let ’em look!” retorted Micky. “What ’s to have prevented his jumping overboard and goin’ ashore?”

“Dunno,” answered Binks. “By the way