Page:Calcutta, Past and Present.djvu/205

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nobility. In 17871 Zoffany was residing in Calcutta; his name is given in the list of professions in an almanac for that year, under the heading " Artist and portrait painter." The Calcutta Gazette, for April 12, 1787, announced—

"We hear Mr. Zoffany is employed in painting a large historical picture, 'The Last Supper:' he has already made considerable progress in the work, which promises to equal any production which has yet appeared from the pencil of this able artist, and, with that spirit of liberality for which he has ever been distinguished, we understand he means to present it to the public as an altar-piece for the New Church."

The building committee of the church accepted the painter's offer with enthusiasm, and were anxious to present him with a return gift of a ring of five thousand rupees value; but they found the funds at their disposal did not admit of the outlay, and were therefore obliged to content themselves by sending the artist a handsome letter of thanks. When the church was consecrated the painting had been finished and hung in its place, and must have caused no small sensation in Calcutta society when it was found that the figures in the picture were more or less faithful likenesses of members of the community.