Page:Calendar of the Tavistock parish records.djvu/124

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I lo Tavistock Records. [1439-41

[1439] A series of documents having reference to a suit of novel disseisin touching lands and tenements in Hurde- wyke, between Thomasine, wife of William Bodyer, and Joan, who was wife of John Maynard, Richard Bonde, and Agnes his wife, in the reign of Henry VI.

1. Writ for trial, before William Godered and Richard Newton, Justices Itinerant. June i. 17 Henry VI.

2. Bill of pleadings for Joan by her attorney, William Bollegh. The land in dispute was a toft of 52 or 60 acres and a acres of meadow, in the ' villa ' of Petipasweke, within ' villams de Hurdewyke,' formerly belonging to John Lychyftelde, father of Joan, mother of Thomasine. Other persons named are Walter Langeford, Alice wife of Robert ffolk, Richard Lambourne, David Doun, Matilda ffrensche, and Joan, daughter of lauina ffolke.

3. Bond by William Bollegh and Richard Bonde in ;^40 to Thomasine, who was wife of William Bodrere and — Bodrere, on the part of Joan, wife of John Maynard, Richard Bonde, and Agnes his wife, to abide the judgment of Peter Eggecomb, William Mey, Thomas . . . ., and John ffitz, touching suit as to lands and tenements in Hurdewyk which had come before Godered and Newton. March 3. 17 Henry VI.

4. Fragmentary bond in the same case to abide the judgment of William Meye, arbitrator. July 20. [17] Henry VI.

5. Fragmentary bond by William Bollegh and Richard Bond in £ap, to abide arbitrament of Peter Eggecomb. Date imperfect.

[1441] Memorandum made at Exeter of monies de- livered by Master Henry Hillyng to the Abbot of Tavy- stoke, ' collectori scdo medietat decie in Deuon,' by the hands of John Bodyer, of Tavystock.

The monies set forth as paid to the Abbot are : Sept. 26, 1441, ten marks ; Oct. 16, ^14 ; Nov. 6, ^10 6s. 8d. ; Dec. 12, £1^ \ Dec. 20, 66s. 8d. Other payments were made Jan. 20 and March 15 ; but the amounts are not legible.

[This memorandum, written on a scrap of parchment, 5 inches by 4, is the only document of the series having any direct connection with the Abbey.]

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