Page:Calendar of the Tavistock parish records.djvu/36

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2 2 Tavistock Records. [1545-53

[1545 — No name of warden legible. Fragmentary. Balance accounted for from John Cocker]

\Payme7its for burials, &c.] — John Brune, Richard Meye, anniversary; Johanne Glanfyld for Me Buriall ' Walter Glanfyld vj viij, for cross and bells xij, for an anniversary xij'^ ; Ralph Hockynge, Richard Pentr, John Smale, Henry Badge, John Comyn tor burial of his wife, William Charells, John Eliott, Walter Robye, John Badge, Peter Eggecomb, John Trelawny, anniversary, John Coche, William Vile, Domina Montioye for an anniversary, Andrew Brooke, John Servyngton, — Baker, Thomas Coche for burial of his wife (?), John Keygyll, Walter Burgs, John Badge, Richard Lybbe, Robert Wode, John Corter, William Poynter, Robert Retryoks, Richard Kersvvell, John Kersewyll,John Edwards, William Drake, clerk, for an anniversary, Stephen Sowton, Roger Prowte, Walter Gyll, John Langbroke, Thomas Coche for an anniversary, Richard Rennell.

[Lady Dorothy Mountjoy obtained a licence, March loth, 1 540-1, for a chapel within the Abbey enclosure.]

[1550 (?) — Fragment. i6th century, possibly Edward VI. Among the items decipherable are a receipt from Richard Drake.]

[1552-3] Feast to feast of Invention of Holy Cross. Walter Gloubbe, ' warden of the pyshe.' JoJin Glanfyld pre- ceding [all in English].

\Iiurials, &c. — For burial of Richard Drake, William Brewne, John Brewsye (.), Walter Browne, Thomsyn Cornyshe — each vj^ viij.]

[Entries of sales to different persons of various articles — tapers (fflaks), ledd. Ire, old tapers, glas, an anvell (xxvj^ viij*^), a cofer, ij peces of Tymber, another Cofer, & Truses. There are several entries of sales of tapers, two old ones fetching iiij'^, and new ones \\f a dozen. Also several for ' the broches,' in each case ij'^ The payments for broches are by John Hawk, William Vynton, William Boucher, Richard Rowe, Walter Cole, Nicholas Hytchyn.]

Total receipts xxvj xj^ iij'^,

^Payments] — Itm pd to S John vj* viij*^ [quarterly] Itm p'^ to peter the lockyer ffor a Cofer key iiij Itm p'^ to wyllm neyler & other ffor settyng vpp & takyng Downe of the Skaffolde viij^' Itm p'^ to the Paynt vij'* Itm pd to James Blackaller iij^ iiij'^ [quarterly] Itm p'^ for the expencs of v men att Excetter xiij"* viij Itm pd to the

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