Page:Calendar of the Tavistock parish records.djvu/42

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28 Tavistock Records. [1566-67

of Richard Eustys and for pall and bells vj^ viij^ for bell after the death of Edward ludgate viij^ of Edward Denys

���Of William Browne for bells \nf of William Hayne for the great bell iiij*^ of William Bater [ditto] iiij'^ of John Carter, Joseph ffrye, Joan Browne, Joan Webbe, [ditto] of William Nycolls for grave of his wife with pall and bells vij* viij*^ of Walter Giubb for grave of his wife [ditto ditto] ot Thomas Glanfyld for grave of his wife [ditto ditto] for grave of Henry lapsam with pall and bells vij*" viij'^^ of John Grland for the great bell iiij of Stephen Williams [ditto] iiij'^ of John Drake for grave of his wife with pall and bells vij* viij^ of Joseph Aiyn for pall and bells viij"* for the great bell after the death of John Bolle iii'^ of John Vynton for the great bell iiij*^ Total received for pall and bells xvij^' xvj** vj.

Rents of assize xv^' xj^ xj^

OtJier receipts — le Sondayes pence viij^ viij'^ Itm re- ceyved of the pissheners towards the mayntenaunce and repayryng of the churche as appearethe pticulerly by a book thereof made viij" vj*' vj'^ Itm receyvd of Thomas Sowton for the m'kett houses & ffayres this yere whiche was dewe att michelmas last paste xiiij^

Total receipts Ivj" iij*^ vij.

\Payments'\ — Itm paide to William Gaye for takyng of ffoxes x*" Itm paide to Walter potter for a horse that Gaye hadd att the same tyme viij*^ Itm paide for mustrynge home of Chypson from exetr xiij* iij*^ Itm paide to Rafife hookyn for his quarters wage due att mydsom' iiij^ Itm paide to a man of Plympton for Carry- enge awaye the powre men to berstable [Barnstaple] ij^ Itm paide to a man of S* Domyneck \f \\\f Itm more paide for halfe a quarter of lyme xvj*^ Itm paide to Willm Gaye more towards his charge of kyllyng of ffoxes x^ Itm paide for m of helynge stones v'f Itm paide to John Keyosyn' the helyer & his Sonn for xiiij dayes Worke att viij*^ the daye ix** iiij*^ Itm paide for xj hundred of lathes att vij*^ the hundred vj^ v*^ Itm for iiij thowsand & d*^ of lathe nells vij*^ vj** itm paide for xj thowsand of helyng pynnes att iiij*^ the thowsand iij* viij"^ Itm for the helyers meate & his Sonnes for xiiij days att ix the daye ^js^jd Itm for a n ewe Crest v^ Itm pd for a Galon of Wynne & a pound of Sugar bestowed [?] to m S...f. ..Id & m""

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