Page:Calendar of the Tavistock parish records.djvu/46

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•2 2 Tavistock Records. [1574-75


��Nicholas Pers xij*^ For the great bell after the death of the child of the aforesaid Nicholas Pears iiij*^ After the death of Mr. Edgcomb for pall and bells viij*^ Of Thomas Hamant after the death of his child the great bell iiij*^ P"or pall and bells after the death of Robert Brent xij*^ Of Roger Burroughe after the death of his child for the great bell iiij'^ Of John Badge [ditto, ditto] iiij<^ Of Richard Crage [ditto, ditto] iiij'^ Of — humphry [ditto, ditto] 111]*^ Of John Vynton [ditto, ditto] iiij*^ b^or pail and bells after the death of John Woulff viij^ Of Philip Pyke after the death of his child the great bell iiij'^ Of John Whitmaker after his death (post mortem sui) for all the bells viij"^ Total xxix® \\\'f.

Rents of assize — xvij vij*^ vij^.

Sondaies pence viij® Itm Receyved of the pisshen'^s toward the maynten'^nce of the church as appeareth in a book thereof made viij \\f viij Itm Receyved of Richard Drake and other his ptens for one whole yeres rent quarflie paid for the mket houses and pfitz of the faires . . , xij x^ Itm Receyved of Willm Poynter thelder for c^'tayne woad sold growinge at St Savyers meddowe xl^ Itm Receyved of dyuse of the pishen's of the fre guy ft towards the makyng and setting vp of the newe bells and cheame as appeareth pticularlie in a book thereof made of their names vj ij^ vij'^,

[Total receipts, with fines on leases, Ixxxxvij vW'f vj'l] ■

YPayments^ — Itm paid for ij Copies writing of m Robart Charles will w°h Copies were sent to London to have advise vpon \\f \\\f- Itm delyu^'ed to m Constable for ij Costeletts bought at Plymmothe iij Itm paid for one halberde vjs viij'^ It[n one flaske and tough [touch] box ij^ vj'^ Itm delu^'ed the Constable for settinge fourthe the sawdyers into Ireland and for armo' at that tyme vij'^ Itm paid for the chardge at Plymmothe of them that bought the Armo"^ ij8 vij'^ Itm paid for makinge the conveighaunce of the lands geven by m Grylles towards the maynten^nce of the power people in the Almeshouse iiij* Itm paid Pynche for settinge of a sege in his place agayne by the chauncle dore w4i was before Removed iij*^ Itm paid John Browne for mendinge the cundyt Iron ij"^ Itm paid to John Courtys for whippynge dogs owt of the churche iiij'^ Itm paid Plater for mendinge the leache [death] belle viij*^ Itm paid for two stones Roppes for the bells vij^ iiij'^ Itm paid Walter Burgyes for mendinge two bells Collers vj*^ Itm paide for hustinge vp the newe bell w*^!! arraue into a boot at

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