Page:Calendar of the Tavistock parish records.djvu/60

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46 Tavistock Records. [1633-58

[1633] Two Receipts for work done by Thomas Pennyngton.

[1633-34] Almshouse account for year ended May 26. Thomas Pointer and Robert Ciidlipp, wardens, with Thomas and MattJieiv Edgcombe, William Grilles, John Gerrie, and Richard Willesford.

[?] Fragmentary 17th century account, next wardens apparently Richard Crymes gent, Stephen Rtmdle.

[?] Bundle of undated Receipts and memoranda of Burial Fees, probably in the earlier half of the 17th century.

[The scale of burial fees this year was — Adults, grave in the church and all the bells, lis. \<\. ; grave in the church and the great bell, lOs. 8d. ; children, grave in the church and the great bell, 5s. 8d. ; ordinary interments, the great bell, 8d. ; all the bells, is. 4d.]

[1654-55] Year ending June 4. William Dier and JoJin Riissell.

[^Payments'] — Paid fower french men having a passe 2s. paid Ellis Bray for keepinge of the Clocke for one yere 8s., and more to him for wyre and oyle 5s, paid John Drake mason for [work] at the higher m'ket house as by his bill appears 8s. paid John Drake for castinge [apparently a hook] paid John Rowe for a [wild] catts head 2d.

[Writing very much defaced by the ink falling off.]

[1654-55] Almshouse account of same wardens, with yoh7i Pointer, Richard Cndlipp, and Francis Toller.

[?] Almshouse account.

[1655-56 Imperfect ; names not legible.]

[1657-58] Bundle of twenty-five Receipts.

[Raphe Bright masons work ; ffrancklyns for glazing ; Peter Jessop carpentry ; Daniell Callamay ditto : on church, schoolhouse, * margett-bell,' &c. Work done for schoole- house includes ' Thwart cutting hewing and sawing of the Tymber at Morle-ham ' and work by John Martin and Thomas Burgis. Timber supplied by Mr. William Hore of Tauestocke is paid for by Mr. Nicholas Opie. Hore was one of the wardens ; Robert Cudlypp the other.

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