Page:Calendar of the Tavistock parish records.djvu/73

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1670] Churchwardens Accounts. 59

Bannycke jun 2d., Jasper Badge 2d., Sam Carter Jun"" 2d, Ric: Wood 4d., Sam: Chubb & his wife lod., Augustine Bond 3d., m»" Henry Tarre is., Grace Knighton 2d., John Hogeson 6d., Stephen Chapman 2d., Johane Rowe 2d., Thomas Kelleye 2d., Elias Richard 2d., Johane Rundle 2d.i Thomas martyn 2d., Jesse Noble 2d., Joseph Philpe 2d.,' David Sargent & his wife 2s., margarite Coadc 2d., Tho: Trante 2d., Antho: Harvie 2d., EHas maynard 6d., Hawke Hamlyn 2d., Walter Kelley 4d., Nehemiah Bennett id., Peter Glubb 6d., James Wilton 2d., Robert Harris 2d., W"^ Dunterfille 2d., Eustace Olliver 2d., David White 2d., James Keagle id., John Keagle 2d., Pethericke Harris 2d., Roger Langford 6d., Tho: Carter 2d., Eliza: Hardie id., W" Day 4d., Nicho: Glubb 6d., Nicho: Smith 4d., W'» Gye 6d., Jeremy Gye 2d., martha Gye 2d., Susan Gye 2d., marie Gye 2d., W"^ Warryn 2d., malicah Parnell 2d., Tho: Chubb 3d., Daniell Callamay 6d., Nicholas Ham id., Tho: Drake id., Henry Egber id., margarite Jasper id., Nicho: Webb 6d., Hugh Jane 2d., John Sowton 4d., John Blackwill 2d., mathewe Glanvill id., Thomas Jessopp 3d., Walter Shella- ber 3d., Thomas Harris id., Susan Tarr id., Arthure Cunnyngham 3d., Rich: Abbott 4d., Anthony Pike id., John Cary id., Johane Carswill id., John Snell 2d., Thomas Crase Jun"" 4d., W'" Crosse 2d., Edward Collyn 2d., John Payne Jun"" 3d., Eustace Glubb 2d., Agnes Payne 2d., Ric: Hamlyn 2d., fifra: macie 6d., John Burfise 6d., Daniell Temple 2d., Grace Laskey 2d., W"^ Kinge 6d., W'" fterris 2d., Susan Kinge id., Ellinor Kinge id., Ric: White 2d., AUex: Bright 2d., Edward Payne sen 6d., W"^ Chubb 2d., Edward momford 2d., Marke Rundle 2d., John Denford 2d., Tho: Knight 2d., Widdowe Hunte 6d., Grace Hunte 2d., Tho: Crase sen id., Tho: Bray 6d., Nicholas Wood- man 6d., Henry mattacott 6d., Thomasine Mattacott 2d., John Mattacott 2d., W°^ Mattacott 4d., Daniell Stephens 4d., Walter Payne 4d., Alice Payne 2d., W'" Coginge 2d., John Payne 2d., Anne Whitchurch is., John Whitchurch IS., Margerie Whitchurch 3d., Eulalia Hardie 2d., John Davie 2d., W"^ Edmond 2d., Welthian marshall 2d., Susan ffrie 2d., Anne Skirrett is., Edward Payne is., Kathcrine Gidley 2d., Eulalia Pitts 2d., Margarite Scawne 3d., Digory Austyn 2d., Ellinor Shutt 2d., Thomasine Edmond 2d., James murfiU id., Raphe Bright Jun 6d., John Baseley 4d., Johane Murfill id., Raphe Bright sen"" id., Allyn Nicholls 2d., Thomas Geach id., James Cowch 4d., Nicholas Hockaday 2d., Ellinor Jessopp 2d., Nicholas Glubb 2d.,

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