Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/58

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We went ahead— and did nothing more than a passing salute. Mr Hall & Le Roux^^^ joined us— they were sent ahead by Capt Cook— who they left at the Pimas villages, he had got along finely— and took a town in Sonoro"^— he had fifteen wagons with him, when he was left at the Pimas— The men get along with difficulty— their feet being very sore— We have encamped this evening at Los [Las] Flores— in sight of the ocean— whose roar we can hear—

2 2^^ Jany— We left camp early; marched hard— passed the Mission of San Louis Rey, when we saw the Commodores party at a distance— and en- camped at a place called bitter water— this is well named— We marched some 18 or 20 miles to day—

23^ Jany to 3^^ Febry. On the 23^^ we left our camp at the bitter water, and marched out hoping to get to San Diego— it threatened rain— and as we had no tents pushed out accordingly. We arrived late in the evening at San Diego in a heavy storm of rain— We found everything had gone on quietly during our absence. No enemy appeared.— I found Streeter still alive— but extremely emaciated. The abcess on the back & side had returned, and discharged greatly. At first the discharge was extremely foetid, and mixed with air— his respiration much affected— When I returned, he was evidently improving— the discharge continuing, but of a more healthy appearance— his appetite good, night sweats, and hectic— The wound on the Sacrum had improved vastly— it had assumed a healthy appearance— granulations having filled up the cavity, with the exception of a small point on the right side— Carious pieces of bone had been discharged— and still continues to be— small pieces present- ing themselves at every dressing— This discharge is not very great and is healthy— at present the Dressings to the sacrum are Solut nit argent, & Ung Resens. With a bandage— to the abscess nothing but cleanliness— No medicine given except Sul morphia & Acid Sul aromat^^^— at night and Wine or Brandy ad lib— with nourishing diet— his appetite now is good, little or no hectic— and very little night sweat— until yesterday he had no passage from his bowels for two weeks, an enema had been given but produced no effect- yesterday it was repeated and produced a slight effect, the retention of the faeces had produced no ill effects— his appetite is good, digestion good and respiration easy— no inconvenience in breathing from lying on back or either side. Child is about the same as when I left him at the Puebla— he was brought from that place on a ship— and came into Hospital on the 27*^ of Jany— the discharge is not healthy from the wound— being thin and rather foetid, there is a slight swelling of the ankle, and some pain and swelling, about each Malleolus— I think a slight fluctuation upon careful examination— he can move the Ankle joint and complains of little or no pain— With the probe hard substances can be detected which I think, are pieces of bone— he felt something move yesterday as if it were a piece of bone on the ball— his gen- eral health is good— appetite good, bowels regular— poultices & cold to the