Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/82

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weather has been very cool particularly in the evenings — Sleep under two blankets a poncho and overcoat and sometimes cold at that

Sunday, June 30th Last Wednesday Messrs Fairbrother and Lawrence joined with us, so now there are seven in company we have bought two holes on the flatt and % of another for the Sum of two hundred and ten dollars — Weather warm but with a fine breeze keep tolerably comfortable thermometer when I have had an opportunity of seeing one stands 99° & 100°. (Commenced working on the flatt last Monday.) Thermometer to day in the cool of the afternoon 104°.

Monday, July ist Some two hundred of us miners at work cutting a canal three hundred yards long and some fifteen or eighteen feet deep for the purpose of draining the flatt.

Tuesday 2nd Do — A black fellow from Bombay ^^ says that he has been robbed of nineteen hundred dollars by some Indians near Douglass flatt^^ a party immediately start after them kill one at two hundred and fifty yards distance (pretty good shot that) and wound two others — bum their rancherie &c

Wednesday July 3D 1850. Took the enormous sum of eight and a half dollars from one of our holes on the Flatt — better luck next time — People in town talk strong of hanging the black fellow — say that his story about the robbery was false — get up a trial — jury cant agree Weather tolerably warm — the only thermometer I have seen in town has the tube broken at one hundred and four degrees — the mercury has risen to the top and run over — This afternoon and evening all sorts of firearms in requisition and we make nearly or quite as much noise here among the mountains as is mad in the good City of New York

Thursday, July 4th Fine day clear cool breeze — people very quiet — recovering from the effects of last nights dissipation The black fellow received twenty five lashes in presence of the Indians as a caution that he must not be robbed again the White men who shot the Indians go scot free — so all parties are satisfied

Saturday 13 th Thermometer this week in a nice cool shady place, they say has been up to one hundred and thirteen (Tolerably warm digging in the Sun) On Friday just below us a bank caved in and killed a mulattoe man. A great many murders and robberies committed within a few miles of us. — Cleaned out one of the holes we bought got one hundred and seven dollars — made an ounce each this week

Saturday 20th Last Wednesday Fairbrother, Lawrence, Lee & myself commenced digging again on the creek (having found too much water in the flatt to work our holes to advantage) (Hebbard, Hall and Morse together just below us) on Friday evening the citizens of Stoutenburg-^ had a meeting for the purpose of adopting measures to prevent the numerous robberies and murders which daily and nightly occur around us. Instituted