Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/146

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to every

starer, while the young husband beside her tries in vain to appear as if used to it. There is the lean and hungry, most bland and voluble lawyer, with long hooked nose and bald head, with sword cane and con- cealed dering;er : and there the hard headed and hard- hearted politician, who deals in the patriotism of the American people as the pawnbroker deals in the sufferings of the poor. This political huckster, hav- ing had in his time a monopoly of certain souls in certain districts, but having meanwhile sold his own soul to Satan many times on one side of the conti- nent, now seeks a new market on the other. There is the little scrawny avaricious old woman, probably the most disgusting, at the same time the most piti- able object on board, going out solitary and alone to wash or nurse or otherwise work and hoard, if per- adventure she may scrape together a little gold be- fore she dies. There is a family, father, mother, and daughter, the latter of that silly simpering age which fancies the eyes of all the world to be perpetually resting on herself; there the man of business with two females in charge, bustling about under his load of responsibility; there the sleepy young man, there the lack-a-daisical young woman — sheep among wolves — and there one, ill-mannered and awkward, fresh from clod-breaking and swine-tending, yet whose eyes flash intelligence and whose broad brow and firm lip show fifty years of determined perseverance and self- denial, if so be so much should stand between him and success.

Noah's ark presented no more incongruous gather- ing. More than thirty different nations are repre- sented on this deck ; men and women of almost every land in Christendom and many beyond that line, of divers colors and strange speech, the lank smart Yan- kee, always at home; the tall bony hairy western man, uncultured yet thoughtful, who comes so far east to get a start for a farther west; cattle drivers from the north and negro drivers from the south ;