Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/176

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side, one end of their pole upon the bottom of the river, and the other placed against their shoulder, smoking with perspiration, their deep chests sending forth volumes of vapor into the vapory air, their swollen sinews strained to their utmost tension, and keeping time to a sort of grunting song, they step steadily along from stem to stern, thus sending the boat rapidly over the water, except where the cur- rent is strong. The middle of the channel, where the water is deep and the current rapid, is avoided as much as possible; yet with every precaution the men frequently miss their purchase and the boat falls back in a few minutes as great a distance as it can re- cover in an hour. Evsry now and then, ceasing their work, the swarthy boatmen disrobe with the most im- perturbable sang froid, and wholly insensible to the presence of horror-stricken females, and with perspira- tion streaming down their naked sinewy limbs, cry " bano 1" and running the bow of the boat into the bank, they fasten it there with the poles and plunge into the stream. Or if overtaken by rain, which here falls with scarcely the slightest warning, they strip them- selves to the last rag of whatever they happen to have on, and rolling up their clothes put them in a dry place until the rain is over. In places poles and paddles are wholly ineffectual, and the boatmen are obliged to take to the bank, and tow the boat after them with a rope, or, wading in the water, bear it by main force up the rapids.

One boat after another is pushed along amid sage re- marks, coarse jests and yells, and the firing of pistols. There is a humorous side to every scene; and this was the side usually uppermost in early Californian times, however trying the ordeal, or incongruous the' grouping, or dismal the moral shades. To these ad- venturers so lately liberated from the nauseating con- finement of a rolling overcrowded steamer, — not- withstanding the heat and moisture which hung in the air, and folded them about like a wet blanket —