Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/236

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made is forever broken; now money, not steam and iron and plank, is God.

Ashore  ! Never have I experienced greater phys- ical pleasure than in the first hour ashore from a long and tedious voyage. Every pore of my senses drinks satisfaction ; head and heart and heels unite in speak- ing their content ; it is like an escape from prison or a release from purgatory. So am I in California, the lovely, the golden-dreamed, the wonderful ! Looking over the water toward the east, I see through the subtle violet haze, the land before me like a land of promise; mountain, vale, and bay glmimering in a flood of saffron sunlight, zoned and studded with brio;ht emerald hills — gold and green, significant of the royal metal in its veins, and the elements of the rich har- vest hidden in its breast.