Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/243

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days, the party of which he was a member had wan- dered about through the snow-covered mountains, searching for they knew not what, and going they knew not where. The party had about fifteen mules, all heavily packed with provisions, and although the snow on the mountains was very deep, yet it was cov- ered with a firm crust, which rarely broke beneath the feet of the animals. One da}^ however, the crust did break — and such a break 1 In the twinklinsj; of an eye, seven of the mules were engulfed and swept out of sight by a roaring mountain river, which had been completely arched over by the snow, and entirely un- observable until the crust was broken. Our hero was on the very brink of this frightful chasm, and had barely time to back out and save his bacon. The most singular part of the matter was, that no trace of the seven mules was ever found."

All through the summer of 1850, the miners of Antoine canon, and along down the north-middle branch of the American river, were in a flutter of ex- citement regarding the Ohio diggings. They were of fabulous richness, and inexhaustible; but where were they  ? Party after party went out in search of them, and returned unsuccessful. As often as one failed, another was ready to adventure ; earnings which were of worth only as they might bring increase. Thus time and opportunity slipped from the fingers of hundreds who mio-ht thence date their downfall. The cause of this excitement was the arrival at Antoine canon of five men who said they were from Ohio, and who brought into camp a heavy load of gold dust. When questioned as to the place whence they had ob- tained it, they became mysterious, put their fingers to their noses, and smiled sardonically. Presently the men went their way. They were tracked to Sacra- mento, and there seen to take the steamboat for San Francisco ; hence it was certain they had not returned to their mine. Evidently they intended only to un- load, and returning to secure another harvest, did not