Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/256

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, 1S55,

Article 7th. No man, or company of men, shall be allowed to put a dam or any obstruction in the creek or side race so as to damage the claims above or below. Each company is required to keep the side race in order opposite their own claims.

Article Sth. It shall be the duty of the secretary or recorder to record all claims in the district if requested by the claim-holder, and to sjjecify tlie boundaries of each claim or company's claim. For which the seci-etary shall receive the sum of twenty-five cents for recording each claim. / Article 9th. Each company shall have the right to cut a drain race

' through the claims below, and if the party cannot agree upon the amount of

damage, if any, they shall leave it to disinterested persons. And that all difficulties arising in this district in regard to mining claims shall be settled by disinterested miners of the district.

Article 10th. That each company shall empty their tailings on their own ground.

Article 11th. That these laws be subject to amendment by a vote of two thirds of the miners of the district.

Article 12th. Ihat a copy of these laws shall be published in the Nevada Journal, and three copies shall be posted in the district. .

At a meeting of the miners of Bush Creek, held September 4, 1854, on motion, M. S. Cleveland was called to the chair, and N. A. Hicks was appointed secretary.

On motion, a committee of three was appointed to draft resolutions for the action of this meeting, A. B. Swan, H. A. Lonas, and M. Sullivan, members.

The following resolutions were presented, and unan- imously adopted :

1st. That tliis district shall be known as Lower Bush Creek district.

2d. That the boundary shall be as follows: commencing at the Upper Falls, or at the lower line of Allen's claims, and running down to the fall =, blasted by Brush Creek Co. in 1853, including five claims in the E^ock Creek J adjoining, and ten claims in Miles' Ravine.

'^ 3d. That the claims shall be sixty feet in length, and extending from

bank to bank.

4th. That any xierson may hold one claim by location, and as many l:y_ purchase as he may see proper.

Sth. That any person owning claims in this district can leave and vacate the same until there is sufficient water for ground-sluicing by having them recorded in the recorder's book, giving number and location of the same within ten days after this date.

6th. That these resolutions be published in the Nevada Journal.

According to previous notice, a meeting of the miners ot Little Deer creek was held on Saturday, Septem- ber 9, 1854, and adopted unanimously the following additional laws :

1st. There shall be no dams or obstruction kept In the channel of Little ■ Deer creek during the freshets, either at or above or below low water mark, except the dam at the falls, which may be kept in during the freshets.

2d. That the company or companies using the water of the creek shall not drop the same in cuts or flumes so as to prevent the company or companies below them from ujing the